Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cast of 2 Days & 1 Night Lee Seung Gi is suspected to be two-faced

On August 28’s 2 Days & 1 Night episode, Gang Ho Dong jokingly says to Sung Shi Kyung, “I wonder when Lee Seung Gi is going to reveal his true nature.”
Sung Shi Kyung replies, “Maybe he is really is a decent guy. He’s cheerful and quite lovable.”
Kang Ho Dong said, “Perhaps there is a different person behind that face.”
Sung Shi Kyun goes on to agree, “Yeah, maybe he beats up his pet, or does something like that which he wouldn’t want to admit, you know.”
The “suspicion” about Lee Seung Gi brought laughs to fans.
Lee Seung Gi has once played a role where he had to yell angrily, “Get me a meal, immediately!” but his acting disappointed the director, who said, “He can’t act that part naturally.”
Source: Newsen

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